Data / Technical
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Roof Tile Coating provide durable earthtone as well as antique finishes over existing masonry roof tiles. This
modified inorganic UV light resistant coating forms a long lasting finish that will rejuvenate roof tiles to complement your home or building.
Mineral Life Int’l Roof Tile Coating can be applied to the following substrates:
1. Concrete Tile
2. Clay Tile
3. Metal
1. Releases water vapor, while water repellent
2. Non-combustible, acts as fire retardant 3. UV light resistant; Long service life (15 years and up)
4. Natural quality with a large selection of earthtone colors.
5. Reactive with Mineral Life Patina Solutions for antique finishes.
6. Highly resistant to acid pollution
7. Non-hazardous without residual odor
8. 8. Anti-allergenic
9. 9. Excellent adhesion to masonty surfaces (chemical and physical bond).
10. Will not blister or peel
11. Naturally will not mildew without chemical fungicides.
12. Environmentally friendly—qualifies to earn points towards LEED certification.
1. Roof Tile primer for concrete tile
2. Roof Tile primer for clay tile
3. Roof Tile primer for metal roofs
Application of Roof Tile Coating is recommended for paint sprayer. Use of a telescopic boom lift gives ideal access to complex roofs.
1. Roof tile surface should be clean and void of paint, dirt or powdered residues.
2. Cleaning of tile surface should be made by pressure washing at 2500 psi.
3. After completely dry, application of the appropriate Roof Tile Primer.
4. Two coats of Roof Tile Coating
5. Optional: Roof Tile Sealer for bright finish
Gloss: Flat
Density: 1.20-1.32
Classic Earthtones
Patina Wash on Classic Earthtones
Gemstone Colors
Custom Color Matching
Coverage: 150 sq ft or 13.9 sq m/gal
for two coats
Physical Properties
Water Resistance…ASTM D1308—No affect
Scrub Resistance…ASTM D2486…150 cycles
Vapor Permeability…ASTM D1653…24 perms
Fire Retardancy on cement…ASTM D3806- “0” flame spread
Accelerated Weathering…….-2000 hrs… no change
Wind Driven Rain Resistance…Fed Spec…
No water leakage TT-C-555B-No weight gain
Leed Credit-EQ 4.2 (Low emitting Materials:
Paints and Coatings
Leed Credit-SS1.1 and 1.2…(Plan for Green
Site and Building Exterior Management
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• Roof Tile Coating – Data / Technical Sheet (PDF)
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